How to Grill Salmon in 9 Simple Steps

How to Grill Salmon in 9 Simple Steps

Cooking salmon on the BBQ is definitely an art, and lucky for us, our dad has perfected it. SO, we sat down with him to get step-by-step instructions on how he BBQ’s perfect salmon every time. If all of you wonderful people want to become grill masters, grab your beverage of choice and follow these 9 Simple Steps to Perfectly Grilled Salmon on the BBQ.

REMEMBER: every BBQ is different. Time and temperature will vary. Use this as a guideline and adapt as necessary. It will take time to learn how to cook salmon that is perfect for YOU.

Okay, shall we dive right in?

9 Simple Steps to Perfectly Grilled Salmon:

1 Purchase salmon with the skin on. You can use skinless, but it cooks much quicker, therefore it’s easier to OVER cook the beautiful piece of salmon you just purchased. Plus, the skin helps to keep the salmon moist. We recommend that you buy an inch and a half to a 2 inch fillet or side of salmon. And ask for the centre cut – this will allow for a more even cook.

2 Now, time to prep. First, take your salmon out of the fridge before BBQing – for at least 30 minutes to bring salmon back to room temperature. Next, prep your BBQ. Make sure your grills are clean and brush off any debris (this could be easier if you heat it up a little before – but be careful you don’t burn yourself!) Lastly, spray the grill with oil ( we use PAM Oil Spray) – you could also rub oil on it using a paper towel. This will decrease the chance of your salmon sticking to the grill when you have to flip it.

3 Heat your BBQ to [searing temperature] 450-500F. TIP: Always get a water bottle/spray bottle beside the grill to put out fire if necessary. AND NEVER leave your fish alone. Salmon can create fires and get burnt SUPER easily. Grab a chair and a drink, whatever you have to do – just don’t leave that BBQ.

Rain or Shine Chris NEVER leaves his salmon. Sometimes you just need to get creative!

4 Now, onto actually grilling the salmon: Place the salmon on the BBQ, SKIN side down on the grill first. Putting the skin down first is key. The skin will provide protection so the salmon doesn’t get overcooked. You will cook the salmon with an easy 60/40 ratio – 60% on the skin side, 40% on the flesh side.

5 Cooking TIME. Cooking time rule of thumb = 8-10 minutes an inch. THEREFORE 6 minutes on the skin side & 4 minutes after you flip. ADAPT THIS BASED ON: how you like your salmon & the temperature outside (we generally cook for 8 minutes, as we prefer to salmon a bit undercooked in the middle). Here in Canada during the winter months (yes, we still BBQ) it takes a bit longer.

6 DURING Grilling. After 2 minutes of the salmon cooking on the skin side, turn down the heat to medium temperature. UNLESS you see flames, turn it down earlier. We also recommend leaving the BBQ lid OPEN while cooking salmon (we don’t want to roast the salmon, plus, you can keep an eye on the flame to make sure it doesn’t get too large).

7 After 6 minutes (on the skin side), it’s time to FLIP, and sometimes the skin will stick (which is totally okay) just remove it with your spatula or tongs and take it off the grill so that it doesn’t burn and catch fire. TIP: Use a timer! Your timing should be as accurate as possible to avoid overcooking. Plus, you get comfortable with knowing exactly the amount of time you enjoy your salmon cooked for.

8 Cook for an additional 4 minutes on the other side. Is the salmon done? Check the thickest part of the salmon by separating it slightly. If it separates easily, and flakes then it is done! Salmon can be eaten undercooked – we enjoy it less cooked in the middle, very similar to how you’d enjoy a steak cooked.

9 FINALLY: Take the salmon off the grill, and remember that it will continue to cook after you take it off, therefore you don’t want to leave it on for that extra “just to be safe” time (trust us, we’ve all been there).

How to grill salmon on the BBQ

And there you have it, a step-by-step guide to get the most delicious, perfectly cooked salmon ever. If you have any further questions, don’t be afraid to leave a comment, send us an email, or get in touch with us via Instagram or Facebook! We would be happy to help, because we want all of you to be able to BBQ and enjoy yummy salmon in your own homes, like we have been able to do since before we can remember! 

Want a good salmon recipe to BBQ? Try Chris’ Famous Teriyaki Salmon – perfect for the grill.

Let us know if this was helpful by leaving us a comment or tag us in your pictures after you successfully BBQ your salmon for the first time! And just remember, patience is key and you may not get it perfect your first time, but KEEP TRYING! We promise if you follow the steps you’ll become an expert in NO TIME!


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